Bavaria launches Congress Initiative for the Tourism Industry

The new congress initiative is the right way to further strengthen Bavaria's competitive position as a congress destination. Bavaria is taking on a pioneer role. Bavaria is the first German state to launch a corresponding initiative and thus the first non-city state of Germany to support cities and rural regions equally in the acquisition of congresses. Bavaria is starting the congress turbo. Over the next five years, a total of around 25 million Euros will be available for the "Congress Initiative for the Bavarian Tourism Industry"

Aktualisiert am: 09.08.2024
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Congress destination Bavaria

Bavaria scores highly with its numerous outstanding congress locations in cities and rural areas, modern conference hotels, a wide range of culinary and cultural attractions as well as its typical hospitality. Bavaria enjoys an excellent reputation as a congress location.

Importance of congresses for tourism

This is all the more important as conferences and congresses are also a significant factor for tourism. Hotels and restaurants benefit as much as retailers, cultural and leisure providers. Many congress travelers are inspired by their stay in Bavaria and often come back to spend their vacations here. It is not uncommon for the time they spend at the congress to be combined directly with a few days' vacation. The surrounding areas of larger congress locations also benefit from this. All of this contributes to the value creation of tourism in the regions. Furthermore, congresses strengthen Bavaria's reputation as an international business and science destination. They promote the exchange of knowledge and networking and bring together experts from different sectors, regions and disciplines.